CPAP Clinic Sleep Blog

Understanding your sleep health, sleep apnea and CPAP therapy

The More Invasive Sleep Apnea Treatment Procedures

Sleep apnea, the sleeping disorder characterized by pauses in breathing, is a fairly studied condition. For one, a number of it treatment procedures are already available. The most common of which is the use of CPAP and CPAP mask – in Toronto and elsewhere.

What is CPAP? It stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure – a kind of pressure ideal in keeping the muscles in your throat from collapsing. As you can recall, sleep apnea (specifically the Obtrusive kind) is caused by a certain blockage in the air path. This blockage results from the relaxation of your throat muscles while you sleep.

But some of you may not know that the CPAP machine is not the only sleep apnea treatment procedure. Yes, there are still other devices that you can use, especially when you cannot tolerate the discomfort of wearing a mask (Respironics masks in Toronto and elsewhere – for instance) while you sleep. Here are some of them:

The Use of Dental Devices

Sleep apnea is largely about a structural malfunction. This means that some of the parts of your body are going awry – and are not working properly. Malfunctions and abnormalities in the neck, jaw, throat, tongue or face will give you greater chances of developing sleep apnea.

One of the less common treatment options is the use of a dental device. Your doctor may give you a Mandibular Advancement Device or a Tongue Retaining Device. The latter helps your breathing by keeping your tongue in place. The former, on the other hand, pushes your jaw forward and down. Both of these dental devices aim to keep the airway open while you sleep.

Maxillary Expansion

This sleep apnea treatment method involves the application of a screw device to your upper teeth. This is especially helpful for patients with a narrow jaw – as the device reduces nasal pressure. This procedure, however, is non-surgical.


If your condition becomes severe, some throat specialists may recommend that you take surgery. This sleep apnea treatment procedure, medically termed as Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) involves the removal of some of your throat tissues.

Yes, that name looks very long and difficult to read but it actually stands for three names of tissues: the uvula, the soft palate, and the pharynx. The uvula is a soft flap hanging down at the back of the mouth. Sometimes, this sleep apnea treatment procedure also involves the removal of the tonsils. All these tissues are removed for the purpose of widening the airway – especially at the upper part, near the throat’s opening.

If you are diagnosed with it, make sure you properly discuss with your doctors your treatment procedures. Don’t immediately opt for a surgery. This procedure is invasive enough. The fact that this sleep apnea treatment procedure has a success rate of only 50% should keep you from “going under the knife.” There are many other options available, take them. They may be uncomfortable at first, but discomfort may become negligible over time. Sometimes, discomfort is the price that you have to pay for keeping you – and your throat – intact.

CPAP Clinic – healthcare at your home
We serve Greater Toronto Area in Canada.
Contact: 1-877-430-CPAP(2727) or

Respironics masks in Toronto are for sale at The site also offers you some tips on the use of CPAP and CPAP mask or elsewhere. Visit the site too to learn more about sleep apnea treatment or elsewhere.

Last Updated: December 11th, 2020


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