CPAP Clinic Sleep Blog

Understanding your sleep health, sleep apnea and CPAP therapy

Side Effects of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea may seem harmless, but it actually takes quite a toll on the human body. The breathing problems experienced by sleep apnea sufferers often damage the body, leading to a host of serious side effects, such as heart arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) and/or high blood pressure.

Sleep apnea causes significant pauses in breathing during the night, and these pauses trigger a great deal of stress in the body; sometimes, sleep apnea sufferers will go for seconds without breathing, and this cycle repeats itself all night long. Sleep apnea is dangerous, and it taxes the body in a chronic and negative fashion.

Luckily, there are many effective treatments for sleep apnea; for example, CPAP machines for travel will allow you to regulate your breathing even when you’re on the road. Other basic CPAP machines and masks offer practical, comfortable and long-term solutions to sleep apnea woes.

Now, let’s take a closer look at what sleep apnea does to the human body…


Extreme tiredness is one of the worst side effects of sleep apnea, and it can, in its own way, be as dangerous as heart arrhythmia and high blood pressure. People who are perpetually exhausted make more mistakes; for example, they may fall asleep at the wheel while driving, trip and fall due to low alertness, or otherwise be injured due to their own decrease in cognitive function.

The I.Q. plummets when exhaustion is in the picture, and sleep apnea sufferers are constantly exhausted, worn out, and stressed out.

To cure fatigue, you must regulate breathing during the night; the best way to make this happen is with a CPAP machine and a soft, comfortable nasal mask or pillow. Your ultra-loud snoring and frightening lapses in breathing will decrease when you seek out sleep apnea accessories that are designed to treat your specific health issue.

In time, you will sleep deeply (like you did when you were younger), and you’ll begin to get the REM (rapid eye movement) rest that you really need. Fatigue will ease, and you will feel more alert and alive…

Abnormal Heart Rate (Arrythmmia)

Since sleep apnea causes lapses in breathing, it affects the heart rate. Sleep apnea may cause arrhythmia, which can (in rare cases) prove fatal. If you suspect you may have an abnormal heart rate due to your sleep apnea, don’t wait to seek out a formal diagnosis from a physician or sleep apnea expert. Get help and make sure your heart is healthy and strong.

High Blood Pressure

Low blood oxygen levels are responsible for high blood pressure in sleep apnea sufferers; while every person with sleep apnea may not suffer from this type of blood pressure disorder, many will experience elevated blood pressure readings due to their sleeping “sickness”. Again, these sorts of issues tend to resolve very quickly once sleep apnea is treated with the right CPAP machines and accessories.

Don’t Take Chances with Your Health…Get Help for Your Sleep Apnea Today

Waiting too long to get treated for a chronic health disorder is the worst thing that you can do; while it may be tempting to remain in denial or to put off the inevitable, it’s vital to consider what waiting too long to get treatment is doing to your body.

Instead of waiting until sleep apnea triggers serious health problems, why not be proactive about your health by seeking out solutions today?

The best sleep apnea treatments are designed to facilitate deep, even breathing all night long, and they take the pressure off your body…


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