CPAP Clinic Sleep Blog

Understanding your sleep health, sleep apnea and CPAP therapy

CPAP Therapy for Pregnant Women may Improve Fetal Health

mother and childPregnant women who suffer from sleep disorders need proper treatment in order to ensure that their fetuses develop normally during their gestation periods.

After all, sleep disorders may disrupt oxygen flow during the nighttime hours.

By choosing continuous positive airway pressure therapy for certain common sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, women will improve their chances of having healthy babies.

Benefits of CPAP Therapy

Since CPAP therapy is natural, non-invasive, and one hundred percent drug-free, it offers many benefits to pregnant women, without any downside.

Whether you’re planning on becoming pregnant or you’re already expecting a baby, you should consider your own sleep patterns, in order to establish whether or not you may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. This sleep disorder causes lower incidences of fetal movements while the mother-to-be sleeps.

Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea causes loud, intermittent snoring, as well as stop-starts in breathing that happen all night long. Men, women and children are all at risk for this serious sleep disorder.

People with this disorder often feel very tired when they wake up, despite having “slept” through the night.

In addition, they experience the sort of weariness that lasts all day long. Irritability, morning headaches, and loss of mental acuity are also common side effects of obstructive sleep apnea.

If you have any of these symptoms, you really need help. Seeing a family doctor is the best way to get the care that you need. A physician may order special tests, known as sleep studies, which confirm or exclude the presence of OSA (obstructive sleep apnea).

Of course, pregnant women must be especially careful about getting the CPAP therapy that they need. However, all men, women and children who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea will benefit greatly from getting treatment with CPAP masks, CPAP machines and CPAP accessories.

If you’re wondering why you never seem to get a deep and restful sleep, you’ll find that using CPAP equipment is the key to feeling so much better.

In addition, using CPAP therapy will ensure that you are not at risk for certain long-term health problems associated with this severe sleep disorder, including heart attack, stroke and Type 2 diabetes.

CPAP Therapy Increases Blood Flow to Fetuses

Because obstructive sleep apnea and other serious sleep disorders negatively impact blood flow to the fetus, these sleep disorders require gentle and effective treatment that is totally safe for unborn babies and their pregnant mothers.

When CPAP therapy is used, fetal movements increase by up to 254 movements per night. This change for the better is a signal that the fetus is being properly nourished through adequate blood flow.

Order Your Own CPAP Equipment Today

DeVilbiss CPAPNow that you know more about CPAP therapy, why not invest in CPAP equipment that may boost the health of your unborn baby?

To get the most effective, Health Canada-approved CPAP machines, CPAP masks and CPAP accessories, for the most competitive prices, visit today.

This virtual store front is the most reputable and affordable place to find exactly what you need.

The cost of CPAP equipment purchased through may be partially covered by your health insurance.

To find out more, contact this company’s team of professional and friendly service representatives today.




2 thoughts on “CPAP Therapy for Pregnant Women may Improve Fetal Health”

  1. I have a cpap machine. I have good nights and bad nights and with exercises to help with my daily routine. We’ll planning to have baby next year, so I totally do my best to treat my sleep apnea before the baby comes.

  2. Seriously Awesome. I’m going in for an overnight sleep study, because apparently, I have sleep apnea as well and 2 month preggy. Thank you for making this post.

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