CPAP Clinic Sleep Blog

Understanding your sleep health, sleep apnea and CPAP therapy

Are In-home Tests for Sleep Apnea Effective?

naptimeThese days, more and more sleep apnea sufferers are self-diagnosing, via in-home tests that are actually somewhat controversial. To assist you in learning whether or not in-home tests for sleep apnea are truly effective, we’ve compiled some helpful facts.

When you peruse our practical quick guide, you’ll access advice that is designed to help you get an accurate and reliable diagnosis of sleep apnea.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder. The most common form of the disorder, obstructive sleep apnea, is characterized by stop-starts in breathing that happen all night long. Usually, obstructive sleep apnea is accompanied by loud, intermittent snoring.

Typically, side effects of sleep apnea include daytime fatigue, mental fog, irritability and morning headaches. However, this disorder is also associated with long-term health risks, including higher incidences of stroke, heart attack and Type II Diabetes.

That’s why learning how to get a formal diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea is so important.

How is Sleep Apnea Usually Diagnosed?

doctorAccording to medical authorities, only family doctors have the skills to diagnose this sleep disorder correctly. When you approach a physician regarding your sleep-related health concerns, he or she will order tests known as sleep studies. These sleep studies will exclude or confirm the presence of obstructive sleep apnea, or of another sleep disorder, such as central sleep apnea or mixed sleep apnea.

Since physicians understand the intricacies of sleep disorders and sleep study tests, they are definitely the best people to see when sleep troubles surface.

In addition, when you visit a doctor in order to discover whether or not you have obstructive sleep apnea, you may qualify for coverage when you buy or lease sleep apnea treatment solutions, such as the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) equipment offered at

Are in-Home Diagnostic Tests for Sleep Apnea Accurate?

In-home diagnostic tests for sleep apnea may have some value. However, they are definitely no substitute for proper medical tests that are administered under the supervision of licensed physicians. Most in-home tests that you may buy online get mixed reviews from doctors. If you’d prefer an in-home test for reasons of convenience and privacy, simply speak to your doctor. In-home tests that are prescribed by a doctor will be more effective than commercial tests that you purchase yourself.

In-home tests given by a doctor may include nocturnal polysomnography tests, whereby you are hooked up to heart-monitoring equipment that also monitors the lungs and brain, as well as breathing patterns and blood oxygen levels.

How to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea

According to doctors, the best way to treat obstructive sleep apnea is through continuous positive airway pressure therapy (also known as CPAP therapy). When this type of therapy is used, CPAP machines, CPAP nasal pillows and CPAP accessories offer sleep apnea sufferers access to perfect doses of pressurized air. This pressurized air blocks the stop-starts in breathing (and loud snoring) that leave those who are CPAP mouth breathers feeling tired and out of sorts during the day.

When you choose the right equipment, you’ll get the deep and restful sleep that you deserve, and you’ll minimize the risk of developing long-term health problems related to this serious sleep disorder.


3 thoughts on “Are In-home Tests for Sleep Apnea Effective?”

  1. Yes!!! But I feel weird and a bit scared I think I have the nasal pillow one but I really want to open my mouth so much….

  2. I’m going to be tested at a sleep study and I’m wondering if I have this disorder. But hoping those machines will work for me, I’ve been feeling horrible for years. Thanks!!!!!

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