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CPAP Clinic: Sleep Apnea Treatment and Snoring Solutions, www.CPAPclinic.ca
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Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/VAPPORR-01
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Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/Aroma-02
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Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/Aroma-01
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Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/CLM30-01
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Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/CLR30-01
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Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/TRAY-02
Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/VAPPORR-01
Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/Aroma-02
Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/Aroma-01
Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/CLM30-01
Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/CLR30-01
Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm,  25 Pkg-/catalog/accessories/aromatherapy/TRAY-02

Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack Clear and Calm, 25 Pkg

Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm, 25 Pkg

Currently, this product is out of stock.
Catalog Price: $ 499.75
Price: $499.75

Product Overview

Description: Aromatics are a surprisingly effective way to help people relax and feel calm. This is the best way to enjoy pleasant smells in your CPAP! Just a few drops of one of aromatic blends may make a surprising difference helping you relax. Focusing your attention on the pleasant smell makes it easier to put other distractions out of your mind. It's called cognitive distraction and it's a significant feature of the sense of smell. Simply set up the Diffuser, place a few drops of your favorite aromatic on the Diffusion Pad (a light background fragrance works best), put on your mask, lay back, relax, and revel in the authentic aromas. Calm This blend of mild Australian eucalyptus essential oil, pure French lavender and rosemary is extremely pleasant and relaxing. This blend has no camphor and is similar to but not as harsh as traditional cold remedy aromatics. Clear Minty-fresh Clear is made with extremely pure peppermint, lime and lavender essential oils, with a touch of clary sage. Clear has remarkably pleasant and familiar aromatic qualities that an be described as minty-fresh, sweet, clear and penetrating. Instructions: 1. Place one or few drops of your favourite aromatic onto the diffusion pad. 2. Insert the diffusion pad into the slot of the diffusion tray. 3. The straight end of the diffusion tray may fit beneath your machine's air filter. Or you can simply bend each end of the diffuser tray over to create an elevated stand. 4. Place the tray near the air filter. Hence, your favourite smell will enter the CPAP into your mask as air in taken into the CPAP.

Pur-Sleep Accessories : # VAPORR-25 Aromatherapy for CPAP Aromatic VaporClear Combo Pack , Clear and Calm, 25 Pkg

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CPAP Users Testimonials

Service Excellent

Je suis de la regions de montréal et tout les fournisseurs de machine CPAP sont très dispendieux (2000$ et +) pour le meme équipements. J ai eu cette référenca par une amie, j hésitait à acheter une machine sur internet car c était ma première machine et je ne savait pas vraiment comment cela allait fonctionner. Pour 700$ de moins je me suis essayer ! ils ont répondu a toutes mes questions rapidements et je peux vous dire que j en était gêner de poser autant de questions mais les réponses était clairs et precise et ils m ont fait sentir que ca leur fesait plaisir de me répondre ! La machine à été pré-programmer selon ma prescription, envoyer la journée meme que j ai passer la commande, super service et très rapides. Même un fois la machine recu, j avais d autres question et ils se sont fait un plaisir de m y répondres. Mon pneumologue as pris en notes les informations afin de pouvoir referrer les personnes qui n ont pas d assurances ! Félicitation a toute l équipe !

Martin Mirabel

I wrote to CPAP Clinic & asked them if they had the soft wraps for sale separately from the head gear on a ResMed swift FX. They didn t at the time, but soon had them for sale on line. Great service.

Tracey Ponoka

Excellent Service !!!

I was attended to by Dominique. He was very patient, professional, through and transparent. He explained everything very well and the most about the various options in terms of the machine and the accessories. ...... Its great service.

Arnab Ghosh Mississauga