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CPAP Clinic: Sleep Apnea Treatment and Snoring Solutions, www.CPAPclinic.ca
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Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large-/catalog/oral_mask/fisher_paykel/HC452-01
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Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large-/catalog/oral_mask/fisher_paykel/HC452-02
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Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large-/catalog/oral_mask/fisher_paykel/HC452-03
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Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large-/catalog/oral_mask/fisher_paykel/HC452-04
Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large-/catalog/oral_mask/fisher_paykel/HC452-01
Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large-/catalog/oral_mask/fisher_paykel/HC452-02
Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large-/catalog/oral_mask/fisher_paykel/HC452-03
Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large-/catalog/oral_mask/fisher_paykel/HC452-04

Oracle 452 with Headgear Small and Large

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Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large

Currently, this product is out of stock.
Discontinued and NOT be available
Discontinued Product, For Reference ONLY

Product Overview

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare is the first company that developed an oral mask. The Oracle HC452 delivers air pressure only through a mouthpiece. The mask has been clinically proven to treat OSA and offers a viable alternative to a full face mask, with less structure against the face. Here is how the Oracle works: The mouthpiece comes in two sizes and is placed behind the lips and in front of the teeth. An outside flap is then fitted into the mouthpiece and folded over the lips. This combination keeps the device stable in the mouth and has been redesigned without the inner flap of the earlier design, which rested on the tongue Sizing Guide Is Not Available For This Product People who bought this mask also bought:          

Out of Box Solution. All Fisher & Paykel masks come fully assembled and ready to wear so there is no fumbling or confusion.

Bias Diffuser. The Oracle mask has an exhalation vent design of a series of small holes and uses a filter to help reduce noise. The mask comes with five filters.

Rotating Adjustment Dial. This dial adjusts the space between the SnapFlap Cover and SoftSeal mouthpiece to increase comfort and stability and can be used after the mask has been fitted into the mouth. This is an upgrade to the earlier design of the Oracle.

Single Strap Easy-Release Headgear. One strap around the back of the head keeps the Oracle stable and a swivel in the front of the mask allows free rotation of the CPAP hose.
The headgear is adjusted once, then easily removed with just a pull of the Easy-Release cord. No ongoing adjustments are needed.

Fisher-Paykel CPAP Full-Face Mask : # HC452 Oracle 452 with Headgear , Small and Large

CPAP Clinic is on the BBB Business Review of this Medical Equipment & Supplies in Vaughan ON   NOT covered under satisfaction guarantee program
NO Returns for this product

Contact an Expert, its FREE. Call 1-877-430-CPAP(2727) or Email: info@cpapclinic.ca

CPAP Users Testimonials

I was one of the 1st test subject for the cpap machines. My 1st sleep test at the clinic which back then was the royal victory hospital was a scary one for the assistant. I was a sleep for about 7 to 10 minutes when he woke me up and had me put a face mask on he said I scared him with my breathing stop 48 times a minute. Anyway slept for 8 hours that night and the wife couldn t believe my energy the next day when I got home.

Dave Trace Dorval Quebec H9S3G9

Best Service

Hien Tran was very helpful and offer great service. Thank you very much.

Ping Quan unionville

Alex the Great

i tell this story often to people who ask about my Res med 10.....and the 9 i had before.....I say like anything else its a process to understand the lifestryle change of choosing you future health or just keep suffering.,....Its about the support you can get from someone....I must have talked to Alex 3 or 4 times over a month when he coached me up and i stayed in touch for 10 years....i have bought two such machines.....I got a call from someone who i offered my phone number and said ....you need one but you also will need support....And the Cpap clinic provided me the support until i knew that my Res med 9 and 10 were my best friend.....for 10 years or more i have breathed easier ...my nasal polyps are gone....they went when i used the heated hose.....i actually sleep 7 or 8 hours not two or 3.....Alex i am indebted too you Sir.....

charles gould ssssu